Good Governance Orientation To Improve Employees Performance Held In Victorias

A series of orientation promoting good governance for the City’s office heads and employees in Victorias was held last Nov. 20, 21, 23, 27 and 29.
This was spearheaded by the City Planning and Development Office, Department of the Interior and Local Government and the City Human Resource Management Office.
Different speakers from the Province and the City shared their expertise covering the topics on Local Governance Performance Management System, Excellence in Local Government Award, Seal of Good Housekeeping, Executive-Legislative Agenda, and Strategic Performance Management System.
The seminar was divided into distinct batches and catered to the specific needs of the employees composed of the supervisory, non-supervisory positions and the rank and file.
The participants were thankful to have attended the orientation which will help them develop, improve and appreciate their contribution to the betterment of the City.
The activities were held at Marjhun’s Restaurant, Don Alejandro Acuña Yap Quiña Arts and Cultural Center and the Victorias Sports and Amusement Center.

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